Our guiding principle derives from a holistic understanding of the fashion industry, one that is based on environmental sustainability, social responsibility, and local craftsmanship. We feel strongly about taking sensible actions today to leave a better future for the generations that come next.
At AERON, acting responsibly is always at our core. Sustainability is deeply ingrained into our company culture, in our daily decisions, processes and practices. Our approach is built on purposeful thinking and the interconnectedness of all that exists. Our sustainability strategy is built on best-in-class social and environmental processes and practices, which are continuously developing to meet the needs of our planet and global communities. We aim to shape a new fashion industry through innovation that fast-tracks us from climate awareness to climate beneficial and builds prosperity for all.
Our manufacturing approach is based on two principles we are proud of: timeless aesthetic and impeccable quality. As the idea of a luxury product is a piece which stands the test of time (both in quality and style), at AERON we create pieces that are mindfully designed and skillfully produced. We source textiles with the highest level of devotion and respect, and aspire to build a circular model in the long-term.

ZERO is AERON’s core collection of knitted staples exclusively made with zero-waste, Wholegarment® technology. Whereas traditional knitted garments are made of separate panels and assembled manually, our ZERO garments are produced innovatively in one entire, three-dimensional piece by Shima Seiki machinery. This way of production uses less energy than traditional systems and allows us to only consume the amount of yarn required for an item, minimizing leftovers that otherwise go to waste.

50% of our seasonal collections are produced in Hungary, another 32% within the rest of Europe and the remaining 18% is produced in China.

AERON’s in-house atelier has the capacity to fully cover the sampling processes of woven apparel. The atelier is providing employment predominantly to women, and 100% of our garments are sampled and made by female-prominent communities of craftsmen.
To fulfill our mission we continuously improve our sourcing practices by making informed choices on the materials we use. We plan to use 100% responsibly sourced materials by the end of 2025.
AERON is committed to supporting the goals of the Paris Agreement on climate change and its aim to limit global average temperature to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. AERON started its first Carbon Footprint Assessment of Scope 1, 2 and 3 in 2022, which will result in the development of a tailored climate strategy and reduction pathway delineating the key actions in order to achieve Net-zero emissions. We will monitor our impact year-on-year and disclose our progress.
Social Sustainability makes up an important part of our sustainability approach, as we highly value our community and the added value they generate for us. We support local manufacturers that employ and provide rehabilitation for people with disabilities through income, training and health services. At AERON we’re committed to local production and providing fair working conditions..

We keep 82% of our production local and close-to-home in order to foster a personal relationship with the people who make our clothes, collaborating closely in the development process, investing in maintaining local artisan jobs and skills, and minimizing our carbon footprint.

We are committed to use our voice to promote positive development in our society. We stand against systemic injustices, and our aim is to support the global community of women by providing equal opportunities, fighting for gender equality, supporting education and skills development, promoting inclusivity, diversity and racial equity. 78% of the employees are women at AERON from 4 countries, 90% of the management roles at AERON are led by women.

Engaged in helping our community, AERON has supported amongst others the Oltalom Charity Society since 2020. The goal of this Hungarian organization is to locate and support people in need, from family care to social provision for homeless people. Furthermore in 2022, AERON donated 70% of its March e-commerce revenue to organizations supporting Ukrainian refugees and collected aid in partnership with the Charity Service of the Order of Malta.